Sunday, November 27, 2011

Dog of the Week: Max!

Meet Max!

I went into the shelter this morning to do a doggy play-date.  This is where a pair of volunteers (or staff members) supervise the interaction of two dogs while they play and burn off some energy.  There were only two dogs paired up today since one dog of the second pair was adopted out yesterday (hooray!).  So, I was only tied up in my play-date for half an hour instead of the two hours I was signed up for.

After my play-date (which went very well, thank you), I stuck around to walk some dogs.  I took a couple of pullers and needed a break.  I saw "Max" written on the puppy room sheet.  He hadn't been out for a while, so I figured I'd give him a whirl.  I'm so glad I did!

I thought Mr. Max was an older doggy since he has a bit of gray on his tail, but nope!  This little guy is only 9 months old.  He walks perfectly on a leash and is super friendly.  He runs in the most adorable little leaps and bounds with his hair floofing around him.  Floofing is a word, right?  He LOVES cuddles.  In fact, he crawled up into my arms numerous times and laid his little head on my shoulder like a baby.  He didn't want to get down!

If I could have a dog right now, Max would come home with me in a heartbeat!

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