Saturday, March 5, 2011

Dog(s) of the Week - Misty and Roscoe

This week, I met two amazing dogs at the humane society. I couldn't decide which one to write about, so I'm going to tell you about both of them.

Misty is an 8 year old German shorthair pointer, and I'll admit, she isn't as easy on the eyes as some of the other dogs. She's a generic looking dog, and she's super skinny because she was lost for a while before she was brought to the shelter. She'll be more attractive when she gains 10 pounds. Hopefully, that will improve her coat, too, which is currently a bit rough.

Well, Misty needed to go out, and I was there, so I took her. My feelings about this dog did a 180 within the first 5 minutes I was with her. She knew her name, walked great on the leash, and her eyes showed how much she wanted to please you. In the play yard, she picked a toy, and brought it to me. We played fetch for FOREVER. She just wouldn't stop. She loved it so much! Then, as I was getting her back on her leash to finish the walk, she started sniffing around in the snow. She pinpointed a spot and dug down about 4 inches. Then, she stuck her whole head under the crust of the snow and came up with a toy. How clever! She smelled this toy under inches of snow and had the determination to get it and bring it to me! That sold her on me. Misty is awesome.

That was Wednesday. I walked the dogs twice this week, and I was lucky enough to take Misty out a second time on Thursday. What a great dog! Generally, her breed is high energy, and yeah, she has a lot of it. However, because she's 8, it's less spastic then younger dogs of her breed. If you want a smart lady dog who will keep you company and do everything in her power to please you, Misty is the dog for you!

Next - Roscoe.

So, it's Thursday, about 4:30, and almost all of the dogs have been out three times already... except Roscoe. I go take a look at him since I'm not familiar with him, and I want to be sure I can handle him. Roscoe is the epitome of a pit bull - low to the ground and super beefy. He's a blue and white pit, and he has light eyes which make him super cute up close but kind of crazy looking from a distance. He had to be at least 80 pounds.

Well, I have walked a lot of pits, many of which where crazy pullers, even if they were just 20 pound puppies. Despite my initial intimidation, I decided I would take him out. If he was too strong or rough, I'd bring him back in and let someone else take him. Wow, did I misjudge Roscoe!

What an angel! Roscoe was PERFECT on the leash! Granted, he was wearing a prong collar, which I am sure helped. It also made him look super tough. I really love juxtapositions - a sweet dog in a scary looking collar. It really makes my day...

Anyway, Roscoe was such a sweetheart! We did a couple of laps of the dog-walking path, then we headed for the play yard. Boy, does Roscoe love to play! He is excellent at "tug", and once he gets the toy, he loves to be chased. He needs a little work on "fetch", but the adorableness of him running around playing keep-away makes up for this.

If I was to take a pit home right now, it would be him. Amazing dog - super intimidating to look at! Hopefully, the positive remarks of the volunteers and staff will get people to realize he's not as scary as he looks.

It was a good dog week!

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