Saturday, January 29, 2011

Patience is a Virtue

This past week, I have been dealing a lot with patience. I have recently set some major life goals for myself, but waiting to achieve them/working towards them has really been testing my patience. I want them now.

Patience: A minor form of despair disguised as a virtue.
-Ambrose Bierce

I've taken a step back to look at why they are causing me such distress.

1. I have wanted these things all of my life and now that I am married and have a good job, I can finally see myself achieving these goals.

2. While these goals are achievable where I am now (physically and monetarily), the future holds an uncertainty - as in, "Where will I be living in two years?" "Is it the right decision to start fulfilling these goals now?" "How can I fulfill my goals AND my husband's goals together without one of us sacrificing too much?"

3. A lot of people I know are achieving MY goals right now. It's frustrating to watch my life happen to other people.

Patience is the art of concealing your impatience.
-Guy Kawasaki

So, what do I do?

I wait. I test my patience. I break down my huge life goals into little pieces and focus on what I can do now. Turns out that there is a lot I can do now to prepare for the future. I can help the people who are currently achieving the goals I want to be achieving - by doing this, not only am I learning what I need to know for my future, but I am being useful and helping out. Joy over jealousy is challenging, but it's surprising how once you get the hang of it, everything feels SO much better.

You must first have a lot of patience to learn to have patience.
-Stanislaw Lec

So here I am, waiting. Being patient. Learning all I can. Fulfilling small goals. Helping those who are working through big stuff in their life. Doing every little thing I can to bring my big goals closer to fulfillment.

Besides, life is not about achieving everything in a snap. It's the journey that makes life interesting. It's the things we learn. It's the patience we acquire. It's the way we cope with frustration and jealousy. The journey makes us strong. The journey prepares us. The anticipation of the future is exciting, but if we had it all right now, what would we do with ourselves? That would be too easy.

Adopt the pace of nature: her secret is patience.
-Ralph Waldo Emerson

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