Friday, July 24, 2020

The Back-to-School Dillema

It is not safe to send our children to school. Full stop.

I understand how privileged I am to be able to keep my son in a virtual learning program if schools decide to hold in-person classes. I also understand how for many parents this is not an option because they do not have the flexibility with their jobs to stay home with their child/children. I believe one factor of schools holding in-person classes is that there are not other childcare option for parents who need to work. I believe another factor is to force the defunding public education and move towards for-profit education.

I understand some parents have to make the impossible choice of sending their child to school because they have no other option, and I cannot blame them. This will hurt women and communities of color the most. Women are more likely to be the parent to stay home if school is remote or if they have the choice of remote learning. Because of systemic racism, BIPOC are more likely to be working low paying jobs with no benefits and are more likely to live in communities where schools are underfunded and lacking in resources.

If we want our children IN school, we need to demand our government fund public education equally across the country, to make sure schools have the PPE and modifications set up to ensure students' safety if they are going to force in-person learning, provide adequate testing for teachers, staff, and students and their families, AND provide access to the technology needed for successful remote learning.

I understand many people do not have a choice. That is why we need to change the system. Our state and federal governments (with a few exceptions - Go Gretch!) have butchered the response to this pandemic. They cannot even provide enough PPE for essential workers. There is not a universal mask mandate. They push business as usual because it is good for them despite the surge of new cases and the astounding number of PREVENTABLE deaths. They refuse to provide stimulus funds for citizens of this country so they can stay home and safe and for small businesses so that citizens have work to go back to.

The system we have has failed. Only in the US would we consider sending children to school with the highest case count, still rising, of Covid-19 in the world.

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1 comment:

  1. Amen. The country needs to ensure everyone has access to online teaching, Then we need to set up small pods, if you will, of students who meet in a secure caregivers home where they wear their masks and can stay safely while parents are at work. Financing for those who cannot afford whatever fee is necessary. Qualified caregivers who have the education necessary to answer questions and lots of patience.
