Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Dog of the Week: Shades!

This week's Dog of the Week is Shades - a gorgeous7 month gray and white pit bull mix.

I saw Shades on HSHV's website last week ( and immediately fell in love.  She's SO cute!  This week, I got the chance to walk her.

When I stepped into her kennel, I was bombarded by dog.  She was jumping all over me and wouldn't stay still enough to get the harness on.  I was a little discouraged.  I'd been walking a lot of difficult dogs, and I'd been hoping she'd be as easy as she is cute.  I held her still and managed to get her leashed.

Once we got to the play yard, my whole perception of this dog changed.  What a goofball!  She loved chasing after her kong and would bring it back to me enthusiastically.  She looked up at me with those puppy dog eyes and smiled a HUGE smile.  Then, she flopped over and let me rub her belly, her tongue lolling out of her mouth.  What a silly girl!  She was all over me with cuddles.

On our walk, she did great.  She only pulled a little, but that's expected as she is still a puppy.  She was super goofy - she kept looking back at me as if to say, "Am I doing this right?".  She responded to all my ques with tail wags and smiles.

This is one of the things I love about walking dogs at the shelter - you never know what to expect.  A dog can begin a walk one way - in this case, with a bad impression - but by the end of the walk you want to take it home with you.  It just goes to show that you can't judge a dog by it's photo or breed.  Each dog is unique and worthy of a chance.  Shades is no exception.

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