Sunday, August 5, 2012

Things I've done so far in 2012...

Remember this?  Well, here's an update on how I've been doing so far...

1. Go to Disney World - CHECK!  We went to Disney World in February and it was AMAZING!  It probably would have been more amazing if I hadn't come down with a sinus infection halfway through, but what are you gonna do?

2. Get a haircut - CHECK!  I cut 10 inches off my hair last month.  I intend to donate it to Locks for Love, but it's still sitting in a bag in my closet... oops.  I am loving the short hair, though.

3. Buy a new (used) car - CHECK!  I purchased a 2010 Ford Escape last month, and I LOVE it!

4. Get a tattoo - nope, not yet, and probably not this year.

5. Read a book a month - Big fail!  I've read a number of books, but not one a month.  Maybe I could start reading 2 a month from now til New Years and call it good?

6. Wait in line to see the very first showing of the Hobbit, most likely in full costume - This hasn't happened yet, but I intend to make it happen!

7. Clean out my car (if you could see my car you'd realize how big of a deal this is) - CHECK!  I had to do this before I bought the new (used) car.  It was a pain in the butt.

8. Dress up and go to the Renaissance Festival (I do this every year, but whatever) - Soon!!!!

9. Move - planning to move in November!

10. Learn to preserve at least one fruit or vegetable - I've got bags of beans in the freezer, and I intend to can some at some point.

11. Go back to yoga and maybe learn a headstand - CHECK!  I can almost do a headstand away from the wall.  I can do it on the wall pretty well.  I'm super excited about this.

12. Blog more - Biggest fail ever.  Oh well, the year's not over!!!